BxArts Factory presents our 2nd Annual Block pARTy: Virtually Reimagined/BxArts Factory presenta nuestra 2nda Fiesta de Bloque: Virtualmente Reimaginada!
We have reimagined our Block pARTy this year and can’t wait for your family to join the fun. On Saturday, October 17th at 4 pm be ready to create with your families. We will post the materials list in advance on our social media accounts so be sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, to get the information. If you are one of the first 22 families to sign up you will be the lucky recipient of a FREE bag with art materials to use during the event./
Date: Saturday, October 17th at 4 pm for our YouTube Premier.
Participating artists/Artistas participantes: Blanka Amezkua, Gladys LaFrossia, John Maney & Mikala “Mikey” Sakai
Bag Information: We will be giving away FREE bags with the supplies to follow along. We have a limited amount of bags available to Bronx residents only. For more information, to sign up and reserve your bag please fill out this FORM. We will arrange delivery of the bags with families.
We will have a Live Block After pARTy on Zoom and Facebook on 10/17 at 5 pm. We will send participating families the link to join via email.
En español:
Hemos reimaginado nuestra celebración artística del bloque y estamos tan emocionados de poder tener a su familia disfrutando con nosotros. El sábado 17 de octubre a las 4 pm este listo para crear con su familia. Estaremos compartiendo la lista de materiales que necesitará en todas nuestras plataformas sociales. Siganos en Twitter, Instagram y en Facebook para que reciba toda la información sobre el evento. Si es una de las primeras 22 familias que se matricula para participar, tendrá la suerte de recibir un bolsito de materials GRATIS con todo lo que necesitará para para el evento. Block After pARTy LIVE on Zoom and Facebook at 5 pm! Link to join will be send to participants that have sign up.
Fechas: Sábado 17 de octubre a las 4 de la tarde en nuestro Canal de YouTube
Artistas participantes: Blanka Amezkua, Gladys LaFrossia, John Maney & Mikala “Mikey” Sakai
Información sobre las Bolsitas de Materiales: Estaremos regalando bolsitas de materiales de arte GRATIS a las primeras 22 familias que se matriculen. Para más información, matrícula y para reservar sus materiales, por favor llene este DOCUMENTO
Fiesta Virtual después del evento será en VIVO por Zoom y en Facebook a las 5 pm. Se le enviará el enlace para que nos acompañe a través de su correo electrónico.
“This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts, with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, and administered by the Bronx Council on the Arts.
BxArts Factory presents our 2nd Annual Block pARTy: Virtually Reimagined!!
Join us on Saturday, October 17th at 4 pm for our YouTube Premier.
Participating artists: Blanka Amezkua, Gladys LaFrossia, John Maney & Mikala “Mikey” Sakai
We will be giving away FREE bags with the supplies to follow along. We have a limited amount of bags available to Bronx residents only. To sign up and reserve your bag please fill out this FORM. We will arrange delivery of the bags with families.
Block After pARTy LIVE on Zoom and Facebook at 5 pm!
“This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts, with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, and administered by the Bronx Council on the Arts.”
All content © BxArts Factory, under license or otherwise noted.
Website design & development by Tectonic Seven