FREE workshop!!
Saturday, April 2nd
Saturday, April 30th
From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Bronx Music Heritage Center Laboratory
1303 Louis Nine Boulevard
Bronx, NY, 10459
Artist Gina Goico will showcase and talk about her ongoing performance series “Pelliza: Weaving Narratives/Tejiendo Narrativas”, where she has engaged with communities in making a collective weaved rug while documenting the conversations and situations that took place in these performances. People assisting the workshop will be able to learn the different ways in which these traditional Dominican rugs and weaves can be made and get familiar with the materials behind Pellizas. Assisting to both workshops will allow participants to bring their personal pelliza projects and get direct assistance from the artist.
This workshop is open to community members 18 years old or older!