We are a grantee of GREEN / ARTS LIVE NYC, which brings FREE arts to NYC parks, plazas, and gardens! We are bringing Free+Family Friendly activities to the Wendell Foster Bike Park Formerly Mullaly Bikepark on Saturday, September 25th and Saturday, October 2nd from 1 to 3 pm! Learn more about all of the grantees and free shows happening now through the end of October in NYC, here! #greenartslivenyc
Printing Stories: Block pARTy will present two events filled with activities using different printing techniques. We welcome Street Lab and artists Monica Flores, Peces Con Mar, Monica Martinez, Lovie Pignata, Ruddy Mejia and Karen KayLove Pedrosa! Also, Trevon Blondet will be taking photo portraits of community members as part of the ongoing project What’s My Art! To make the festivities super awesome, community members can also make their own screen-printed T-Shirt at the Bike Park Printing Lab! Help us spread the word and join us!
Our Virtual Block pARTy is available on our YouTube Channel starting on 10/17/2020 at 4 pm. We are excited and hope you enjoy creating with us! These are the artists, descriptions and lists of materials you will need! Remember to post your creation and tag us using #BxArtsFactory @BxArtsFactory:
Blanka Amezkua
Name of the class: Kirigami Flower
Description: Through the simple act of folding and cutting paper let’s create all those flowers we didn’t get a chance to experience this spring. As we fold the paper, first it will look like an ice cream cone but with your creativity you will bring to life unexpected beautiful flowers; join us, it will be a joyful, colorful day for all! Open to everyone who can use scissors.
Construction paper or colored copy paper
Glue (optional)
Holw Puncher (optional)
Pencil (optional)
Bio: Blanka Amezkua is an artist, cultural promoter, educator, and project creator based in the South Bronx; Amezkua’s practice is greatly influenced and informed by folk art and popular culture. She is a member and active supporter of Running for Ayotzinapa 43, an international community of amateur athletes based in NYC that promotes dialogue and consciousness concerning human rights violations worldwide.
IG @blankaamezkua
Gladys Rosas-LaFrossia
Name of the workshop: Make Your Own Stained “Glass” Panel
Description: Create the look of stained glass with simple supplies, and then make it your own!
Simple, easy and fun for all ages. Your friends will ask, “how did you do that?”
Watercolor Paper
Washi tape (or painter’s tape)
Black Marker
Bio: Gladys Rosas-LaFrossia, the daughter of Puerto Rican and Colombian parents, has always been passionate about art. She was born, raised, and still resides in the Bronx, NY. Trained in the Fine Arts, she has recently focused on printmaking and crafting. Through the use of simplified, but bold lines, Gladys produces images full of emotion and meaningfulness. She is inspired by her culture and symbols.
IG @lafrossiaart
John Maney, Jr.
Name of class: Writing List Poems
Description: A list poem features an inventory of people, places, things, or ideas organized in a special way. Often the title says what the list is about. It does not necessarily need to include rhythm or rhyme, but each word should be carefully chosen and memorable.
Pencil or pen
Bio: John Maney, Jr. is a poet, freelance writer, photographer, and social activist. He is a graduate of Macalester College and he is currently a member of the New York Writers Coalition. John is a past Advisory Board Member for the BxArts Factory, former Poet in Residence at the Huntington Free Library and also was a 2018 and 2019 member on the Planning Committee for the Bronx Book Fair. John is also publisher of the online “Finding Your Voice Newsletter.” John has been featured in several readings throughout New York City and State, and is featured in the short film “Precious The Gift” by Rene Sing. Currently John conducts poetry readings & workshops throughout New York City and State.
Mikala “Mickey” Sakai
Name of the class: “Groovin with Mickey”
Description: This high-energy class develops knowledge of hip-hop and the story it tells through musicality and lyrics. Progress is a process, and in this class we will begin the process and develop a dancer’s voice through many different moves and grooves. It will give dancers a chance to get up and move while groovin to popular music!
Bio: Mikala Sakai, also known as “Mickey”, is a native New Yorker, born and raised in the Bronx. At the age of five she began studying varying dance styles such as Ballet, Tap, Jazz, and Modern until the age of 14 when she began to study and train in Hip Hop. In addition to being on faculty at Steps on Broadway, she teaches at Broadway Dance Center and the Alvin Ailey Extension program. Mickey has choreographed for varying teen programs, private dance schools and music videos as well as live performances.
With a visionary gift of movement, Mickey weaves a story through not only the beat, but through her interpretation of the lyrics and the stories they tell.
Instagram: @creationmickey
Youtube: Mickey_Sakai
BxArts Factory presents our 2nd Annual Block pARTy: Virtually Reimagined/BxArts Factory presenta nuestra 2nda Fiesta de Bloque: Virtualmente Reimaginada!
We have reimagined our Block pARTy this year and can’t wait for your family to join the fun. On Saturday, October 17th at 4 pm be ready to create with your families. We will post the materials list in advance on our social media accounts so be sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, to get the information. If you are one of the first 22 families to sign up you will be the lucky recipient of a FREE bag with art materials to use during the event./
Date: Saturday, October 17th at 4 pm for our YouTube Premier.
Participating artists/Artistas participantes: Blanka Amezkua, Gladys LaFrossia, John Maney & Mikala “Mikey” Sakai
Bag Information: We will be giving away FREE bags with the supplies to follow along. We have a limited amount of bags available to Bronx residents only. For more information, to sign up and reserve your bag please fill out this FORM. We will arrange delivery of the bags with families.
We will have a Live Block After pARTy on Zoom and Facebook on 10/17 at 5 pm. We will send participating families the link to join via email.
En español:
Hemos reimaginado nuestra celebración artística del bloque y estamos tan emocionados de poder tener a su familia disfrutando con nosotros. El sábado 17 de octubre a las 4 pm este listo para crear con su familia. Estaremos compartiendo la lista de materiales que necesitará en todas nuestras plataformas sociales. Siganos en Twitter, Instagram y en Facebook para que reciba toda la información sobre el evento. Si es una de las primeras 22 familias que se matricula para participar, tendrá la suerte de recibir un bolsito de materials GRATIS con todo lo que necesitará para para el evento. Block After pARTy LIVE on Zoom and Facebook at 5 pm! Link to join will be send to participants that have sign up.
Fechas: Sábado 17 de octubre a las 4 de la tarde en nuestro Canal de YouTube
Artistas participantes: Blanka Amezkua, Gladys LaFrossia, John Maney & Mikala “Mikey” Sakai
Información sobre las Bolsitas de Materiales: Estaremos regalando bolsitas de materiales de arte GRATIS a las primeras 22 familias que se matriculen. Para más información, matrícula y para reservar sus materiales, por favor llene este DOCUMENTO
Fiesta Virtual después del evento será en VIVO por Zoom y en Facebook a las 5 pm. Se le enviará el enlace para que nos acompañe a través de su correo electrónico.
“This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts, with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, and administered by the Bronx Council on the Arts.
BxArts Factory is an organization supported by many artists. Since our launch five years ago, numerous artists have shaped and sustained our mission by donating their work and time to help us bring art to communities throughout the Bronx and New York City. Now it is our turn to help them.
As the spread of the coronavirus intensifies throughout NYC, the need for heightened social distancing to limit the transmission of the virus means many freelance artists will lose their main sources of income. Upon learning that a few of the artists in our BxArts Factory family are already struggling, our team decided to reach out to ask for your help. We’ve launched an emergency fund through [Go Fund Me], which will make proceeds available to artists through an online application process. At this time, all donations will be geared towards artists that are part of the BxArts Factory family. Specifically, artists that are currently, or, have been:
The vision statement here at the BxArts Factory is simple yet profound, “…to become a preeminent Arts Institution in the Bronx, committed to supporting local artists and art projects focused on making art accessible to communities in the Bronx and using art to address social and economic inequities in the Bronx.” Since our inception, the beauty of community and the arts have been what drives forward.
It’s natural to see this as a frustrating situation with thoughts of stopping or altering the way we put on public events. But this has only shown us how important it is to rally the community to align them with our mission and vision and let everyone know that we are in this together. So how can YOU help? Here are a few tips sprinkled with some words of encouragement for us to come together as a community and protect the arts:
2. SPEAK OUT – Having a voice is key to being an artist and we want all Bronxites to speak out on the injustices in our community. The vandalism of Alexis’ beautiful installation, after all the hard work that went into displaying it, really hurt but it also motivated us all to keep moving forward. The BxArts Factory pushed on and took part in a lot more events like Dia de los Muertos at Virgina Park, #WhatsMyArt: Street Gallery Exhibition and our Bronx & Crafts series to name a few. The point is that we keep on using our voices and art to express ourselves! We are invested in the beautification of our amazing borough and you should be too! Let people know that protecting our buildings, streets, businesses and people will only benefit us all!
3. PROTECT THE BRONX – Are you Bx A.F.? We are and want to make sure that our community operates like a unit when it comes to pride and public programming. Our events and programs are open to the public so sticking together and having each other’s back to have fun and spread knowledge is important! We engage so much as a community online via social media but it’s so important to see and feel the artistry of our Bronxites. Protect the Bronx and watch things flourish!
We have to make a negative a positive and keep moving forward for the sake for the arts! #BxArtsFactory
Community Action Day: I am Present, was a day to reflect, heal and create in support of our community. This day of action brought together artists and community member to use creativity to heal, express themselves and be present with each other. We had tables filled with art materials for artists and community members to work together.
On this Sunday we gathered, artists and community members, to use creativity for action. People were present as they created a collective and safe space to heal and express our feelings about the missing in our community as well as in other spaces in the world. This was a very open forum with no agenda other than to be together creating from our personal and community hearts.
This event took place as part of the Men of Clay Exhibition by Alberto Villalobos on Sunday, May 21st from 3 to 5 pm at The Point Campus for the Arts and the Environment located at 1391 Lafayette Ave. Bronx
A big thank you to Ana Rebeca Castillo and Erin Hylton for facilitating this event and for lending their voices for the video narration!
Thank you to Melanie Gonzalez for her amazing filmography and editing. You can find her work at http://www.melaniegee.com/
By Natalie N. Caro
Kant argues that “art can be tasteful (that is, agree with [artistic] judgment) and yet be ‘soulless’” –But what is it exactly, that can give an often motionless object like art “soul?” What the hell is soul, any-how?
I wasn’t thinking about Kant as I pulled the beautiful fabric donated to us by Material for the Arts by way of Bronx Museum out of the Artist Craftman’s Supply Bag. An array of tulle, and bouquets of flower patterned cotton spread across the table alongside stings of leather and copper to tie them together later. We began making bows, and slowly, a tribe of toddlers approached us, escorting their mothers to the cornucopia. Our activity that Sunday, we explained, was making costumes for us to wear in the parade.
Parents soon joined and created costumes of their own, one mother grabbed a piece of white tulle and made a head wrap for herself. She smiled pleased, seemingly, with the way it turned out. Her daughter collected pieces of the long lace she hoped to fashion into a dress with grown up help. Elizabeth Ortiz scooped up and wrapped and tied until something out of a fashion show cat walk appeared before us.
On the other side of the table and makeshift wall, Trevon Blondet asked Boogie Bronxites, what was their art and Yolanda Rodriguez, collected little gems in jars as they answered who did art at home. Holding a tablet in hand, they told us what their art was as the cameras flashed.
No one was thinking about soul under the heat of a Bronx afternoon sun, not really, and yet there it stood before us. It was found in the way we shared our gifts with each other. We’ve become so accustomed to thinking of art in binaries, much like we view the world. Things are either: good or bad, high or low, right or wrong. We very infrequently allow ourselves to exist in ambiguity or as I like to think of it, imagination, the place of possibilities. This Sunday let us live there for a while, and it was Artful, and more importantly, it was soulful.
BxArts Factory is proud to collaborate with Mi Gente Latinx Bronx Music Festival and The Point CDC to present Mi Gente! Unplugged. This is a live acoustic show featuring the Bronx Spoken Word Artist Lorraine Currelley and the undeniably exciting band, Underground System.
We want you to share an intimate space and celebrate Black History Month on Saturday, February 18th, 2017, at The Point CDC Theater located at 940 Garrison Avenue, Bronx NY 10474. Advance Tickets are $10/Door $12. Theater doors will open at 7PM.
See you Saturday, February 18th Mi Gente!
On June 26th, Boogie on the Boulevard is back!
This year, on the last Sunday of every month from May-August, the center lanes of the Grand Concourse will be closed to cars and open to a world of fun. Boogie on the Boulevard is the largest Open Streets event in the Bronx, so get ready to walk, bike, skate, and boogie starting at 162nd Street from 12:00pm-4:00pm, as thousands of Bronxites celebrate the Boulevard of Dreams!
Get Creative!
The Bronx Museum of the Arts and BxArts Factory will present the Boogie Arts Block, featuring local artists and performers. The Museum will also be open to the public and will offer tours of its’ current exhibitions.
This week come to make your own costume for the parades. We will be painting at our booth and dancing with Lalitha Dance Studio. Yelaine will be knitting. There will be music and lots of fun!
All content © BxArts Factory, under license or otherwise noted.
Website design & development by Tectonic Seven