Art Time! A Collaboration Project with BronxNet TV
We were faced with many difficult decisions, in quick succession during a short period of time. But not all of them were bad or hard choices. The pandemic also presented us with opportunities to focus on projects we had put away in our creative vault for one reason or another. Through the stillness of the initial period of lockdown, we were able to reconnect with several of those old ideas around building out a virtual presence for BxArts Factory. Now, with the help of BronxNet, we’re finally ready with our first round of content. This initial series centers on creating a visual archive of Bronx artists and features small glimpses of their work through interactive projects that the public can do at home. We are very proud of this series, and it is only a start for this great partnership between Bronxnet and BxArts Factory.
There are two episodes already available for you to watch and Episode three is premiering this Saturday, February 20th, 2021 at 2 pm! You can watch on BX OMNI channels 67 optimum/2133 Fios and Stream Online at
Then stay tuned for a new episode on the third Saturday of each month at 2 pm! We have a great lineup of Bronx Artists and many great art stories and tutorials! Connect via Social Media to see who is our March artist!
Episode 1: Sajata Epps- Watch HERE
Episode 2: Lizvette Figueroa – Watch HERE
Episode 3: Tijay Mohammed
Streaming Online at
BxArts Factory’s Channel: