FREE workshop!!
Thursday, May 19th
Thursday, May 26th
From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Bronx Music Heritage Center Laboratory
1303 Louis Nine Boulevard
Bronx, NY, 1045
English/Spanish presentation
Objective/Objetivo: To discover the diverse possibilities that an everyday object give us, to create objects inside the workshop and finally to make a collective project./ Descubrir las diversas posibilidades que nos da el objeto y crear dentro del taller algunos de ellos y finalmente realizar una obra colectiva.
• The object that, as we transform it, transform us/El objeto que transformado nos transforma
• The importance of using the natural and organic; both for our health and for the planet/Importancia de usar lo natural, tanto para la salud como para el planeta.
• How to make geometric shapes on the orange peel/Como hacer formas geométricas en la piel de la naranja
• Basic drawing tools and how to make colors to use them with the objects created/Herramientas básicas del dibujo y como hacer colores para usarlos en los objetos realizados
• Types of oranges and their uses/Diferentes tipos de naranjas y sus usos
• Drying and shaping/ Secado y formas
• Cutting the peel based on the different uses/Cortes de la naranja de acuerdo a los diferentes usos
• Where to find the materials/Lugares donde se encuentran los materiales
Participants will create bracelets, flowers and creative items (different creations) using orange peels.
This workshop is free, open to community members 18 years old or older!