Karen “KayLove” Pedrosa
Karen ” KayLove” Pedrosa is a Bronx born and based, first generation Puerto Rican artist who draws her inspiration from the vibrant, gritty, soulful streets of New York City, the lush campos of Puerto Rico and all the places in between. A child of the 80’s she was inspired by the rolling museums the trains provided, the roof murals, tags and colors that brightened up a once dirty and dingy Bronx. A graduate of the legendary High School of Art & Design she continued to study painting at Lehman College. Her work is colorful, passionate and loose. Her style draws from the streets, culture and her emotions; impulsive, vibrant, raw and at times reckless.
Kacer171 has been involved in the aerosol art movement since the mid 1970’s. In 1981 he formed and established “UMXS” ™, the first four letter dominating graffiti crew in the history of writing to cross all seven continents. He is also a cartoonist, illustrator, metal wire and clay sculpture artist. Kacer171 is also an advocate for human rights and social awareness.
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